World Café – Project INTEGRA
World Café Torino
On Thursday, 26 May, our founder Viviana Premazzi was invited as a trainer to support the facilitators of the World Café Torino at the University of Turin. There, a group of young Muslims representing different organizations gathered together to discuss six themes related to their situation in Italy. The day of discussions culminated in a series of recommendations. Speakers asked the Ministry of the Interior and the local and national institutions to promote and reinforce young Muslims’ inclusion and participation into Italian society.
Photo of Viviana Premazzi, CEO of GMD (on the left) at the World Café Torino. University of Turin, on 26 May 2022
The aim of the World Café event was to make the participants an integral part of the decision-making process. In order to do that, the encounter fostered lively, informal, inclusive, and constructive conversations among the various stakeholders of the Muslim community.
The approach
The format of the World Café itself is really interesting for its participatory approach. In fact, this is the best approach to encourage the sharing of ideas and the active participation of all attendees.
Two phases composed the World Café.
- The first phase took place during the morning. Participants exchanged ideas and perspectives within six tables of discussion. At the end of the session, each table drew tangible policy proposals aimed at a more effective integration of the young Muslims of Italy.
- The second phase took place during the afternoon. A representative from each table presented what they discussed during the morning session. Then, they engaged in a dialogue with the local and national institutions.
Video of two young Muslims speaking at World Café Torino, University of Turin, on 26 May 2022.
A moment of particular significance was denoted by the interaction between the young Muslims and the representative of the Ministry of Interior, Prefect Fabrizio Gallo, the General Director for Religious Affairs and for the Administration of the Fund for Places of Worship of the Minister.
The University of Insubria, in collaboration with other Italian universities – Turin, Bari, Aldo Moro, and LUM University – organised the encounter. Other representatives of the local institutions were also present during the event.
Other World Cafés – Project INTEGRA
Photo of a young Muslim woman speaking at World Café Torino, University of Turin, on 26 May 2022.
The World Cafè in Turin is partof a wider AMIF (Asylum Migration and Integration Fund) project: Project INTEGRA. The project is promoted by the Ministry of the Interior and entrusted to FIDR (the Centre of Inter-University Research International Forum on Democracy and Religions). On 19 May 2022, a similar encounter was held at the Sala Convegni of the Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority of Bari, where another group of young Italian Muslims was invited to dialogue with the Minister of the Interior, Hon. Luciana Lamorgese, and other local and national institutions.
Three World Café encounters also took place at the University of Milan, with the title “What are the regulations for a society that is inclusive of all religious communities?”. The young representatives of the involved communities shared their impressions and suggestions to promote a more inclusive Italian society.
The Closing Meeting
The closing meeting will take place on 13 June 2022 at the University of Insubria, Como, where various Policy Research Reports will be presented.
The discussions and recommendations engendered during the World Cafés in preparation for the meeting at the University of Insubria provide the basis that will eventually bring to the so-called “Intesa” agreements between each faith and the Italian State. They represent an important example of how the young generations of migrant origin can act as catalysts of positive change.
If you are interested in the topic of religious diversity, interreligious dialogue, islam and migration you can take a look at our publications on these themes.
Photo of a young Muslim woman speaking at World Café Torino, University of Turin, on 26 May 2022.
Video of a young Muslim woman speaking at World Café Torino, University of Turin, on 26 May 2022.